From time to time it happens that you want to detach the email address from your profile in order to be able to re-register in the team in the same profile afterwards.
For example, when the child is old enough to use his or her own e-mail address now.
If the father or mother also has a profile in the same team with the same address, it is not possible to simply change the e-mail address, because otherwise the address of the other profile will also be changed.
To get this to work in the end, there is the possibility to leave the team.
You can do this under "Profile" -> "Edit teams" -> and a little further down under "Leave *team name*". Once this is done, the profile is still present in the team, but has been detached from the email address.
Now you can get a new invitation link from the admin of the team to register now with the old profile with the desired address.
How to delete your account you can read here.
Why admins can't leave without further ado, you can find out here.