If you want to delete yourself again, you can do this under the menu item "Profile".
If you are in the "Profile", select the item "Edit Teams". Here you can see all the settings that affect the teams. If you scroll down to the bottom, you will find two menu items under "Manage membership" or three with a certain authorization.
The first item "++Delete your name++ from ++team name++ irrevocably" means that all data about your person will be deleted. Your account is then deleted from the team and cannot be restored.
Important: If you are in more than one team you have to repeat this step in all teams to delete all your data from our servers.
The second button "Leave ++team name++" lets your data stay in the team. Only the link between your mail address and PlayerPlus will be deleted. Your profile can now be linked to another mail address. This is especially important if you misclicked during registration and accidentally registered with another team member.
If you have the appropriate permissions, you will find a third item that allows you to delete the team. For this please have a look at this article.
You are a premium owner and want to delete yourself? Then you will be asked in the deletion process to transfer the premium to another person in the same team. It is not possible to get a credit for the remaining time.
If you have problems deleting yourself please look here.